I-40 in Multiple Counties to be Affected by SmartWay Intelligent Transportation System


The expansion of the SmartWay Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) on I-40 near I-840 in Dickson County to near U.S. 70S (Exit 196) in Davidson County will potentially impact travel from Feb. 8-14.

• Daily 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. There will be temporary daytime shoulder closures in both directions for conduit installation at various locations throughout the project limits. (MM 174-196)
• Nightly, 8:00 p.m. – 5 a.m. There will be temporary nighttime shoulder closures in both directions for conduit installation at various locations throughout the project limits. (MM 174-196)


The repair of the bridges on I-40 over Sugar Creek and Resurfacing on I-40
LOOK AHEAD 2/16, 7 p.m. continuously until 5 a.m., 2/19, There will be continuous weekend lane closures on I-40 WB for bridge repair work. One lane will remain open at all times. MM 150


The installation of longitudinal cable barrier on various interstate routes
• Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., There will be daytime Shoulder closures to install cable barrier post and cable for the new cable barrier system at MM 6-7 and MM 28-29


The repair of the bridges on S.R. 48 over Bartons Creek (L.M. 0.40) and Louise Creek (L.M. 3.36).
• Continuous The bridges will be reduced to one lane in order to demo the old bridge and reconstruct. Traffic will be controlled by temporary signals at each bridge.

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