Stay Safe This Holiday Season with These Helpful Tips


From Empire Managed Solutions

The holiday season is here and you are grateful for many things, including the ability to gather with friends and family. While the COVID-19 virus is certainly more understood this year and we now have vaccines, the virus isn’t gone and new variants as well as regional hot spots are still popping up.

Empire Managed Solutions offer a few helpful tips and precautions to follow in order to make it a safe and happy holiday season for all.

Follow the Four “S”s

Follow these four “S”s for your gatherings: Keep it Safe, Small, Short and Stable.

  • Safe. To keep your holiday safe, plan an outdoor event or make sure your gathering has excellent ventilation. Dine on the back deck with heaters if it’s chilly. Or open the windows and doors to promote circulation.
  • Small. Limit the gathering to no more than 3 households. The risk of spreading COVID-19 increases as multiple households share space. Pick the people you’re going to hang out with during the holiday and do a rain check or a Zoom call with others.
  • Short. Keep gatherings to two hours or less. The longer people spend together, the higher the risk of transmission.
  • Stable. Getting together more than once? Keep it to the same group of no more than three households.

Use PPEs

Using personal protective equipment such as properly fitted masks and nitrile gloves is a great way to stay well and reduce transmission risks to others. Wear gloves when serving food. Gloves are also an excellent idea if you’ll be traveling or touching high-contact surfaces, such as elevator buttons, door handles and even remote controls. Make sure you have plenty in stock and change them if you change activities (i.e. touching a door handle, then serving food).

Practice Good Hygiene

The importance of exceptional hand washing practices cannot be overstated. Wash often and wash well. If you cannot wash your hands regularly, use hand sanitizer often. This is still one of the most effective ways to reduce transmission of viruses.

Shop Online

Whether you’re at the grocery store for your Thanksgiving feast or purchasing Christmas presents for loved ones, the stores will be crowded over the next six weeks. Lower your risk, stay home and shop online. Just make sure you give yourself plenty of time to have things shipped and delivered.

The Greatest Gifts

If we have learned nothing else over the past 20 months, we have learned the greatest gifts in our lives are good personal health and healthy loved ones. Do your best to stay healthy and keep the ones you cherish safe and healthy this holiday season. The best gift you can give is another holiday season together next year.

Contact Empire Managed Solutions at (904) 343-5750 for questions or to place your nitrile gloves order and stay safe this holiday season.

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