School District Loans School Bus to Humphreys County Following Floods


Due to the devasting floods that took place at the end of August, Humphreys County School System lost many school buses in the flood.

As a result, the system is borrowing a special education bus from the Cheatham County School District this year, the district wrote on Facebook.

Chief Operations Officer Dr. Tara Watson, Assistant Director of Schools Stacy Brinkley, Human Resource Supervisor Wendy Cox and Nutrition Supervisor Resha Garrison delivered the bus to Humphreys County last Friday.

“Humphreys County faces a long road to recovery following the recent devastating flood, and the Waverly community has been in our thoughts and prayers,” Cheatham Co School District writes.

“We’re glad we can help Humphreys County in this small way as the system gets students back to learning.”

*photos from Cheatham County School District Facebook Page

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